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Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2
  • 80
  • Release date:
    20 September 2014
  • Game Genre:
    Action, TPP, fantasy, hack'and'slash, multiplayer, for 2 people, reeditions/remasters/remakes, co-op, slasher, Nintendo exclusive titles, urban fantasy
  • Developer:
  • Release:
  • Platform:
  • Languages:
    English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian
  • Dubbing/Audio:
    English, Japanese
  • Crack:
    Wii U Emulator (CEmu v1.11.3)
  • Game size:

Become the pro player in Bayonetta 2 with perfect combos

The Bayonetta 2 carries the action style gameplay in which the player controls different things. The Bayonetta can fight with various demonic Armies and Angel with the help of attacks and gunplay. To protect yourself, you have to dodge the attacks of your enemies. Between the game, you can play the environmental was also and solve it to earn more points. The players are able to use torture attacks which are called special moves. With the help of these attacks, you can trap the opponents and earn extra points. 

The weapon customization is a part of the game and you can allow players to make the best combination of a new weapon in your hands and feet. You can choose huge weapons and equipment anyone as per your characters signature likes sword, bow, guns and various others. With the help of performing the best combats, the players are able to earn the highest grades. Like the previous game, you can perform the various torture attacks on Enemies. You can injure your enemies to earn the ability to perform magic energy.

In the game Bayonetta 2 free PC, there is a new gameplay element which name is umbran climax. You can use this element when you have a full magic gauge in the game. You can make your technical powerful and perform the various attacks and combos to defeat the boss. Now, you can earn demon summons for a short period of time and it increases the overall range and damages.           


How to build magic energy?

In the game, you can build the magic energy when you perform the best combos with your attacks. You have to perform attacks on the Enemies to build special energy and you can perform various new combos and movements. Overall saying about the game, the game gives you a feel of action and the high-level action you can play inside the game. Your player is able to perform various movements and use a lot of weapons. The story of the game actually depends on two girls and the kill various enemies. Even they are killing a monster Dragon.

Therefore, you can try the game Bayonetta 2 game which is perfect to feel the action with adventure. The game is about Christmas shopping with Enzo when the angels attack the city. But she protects the city with her friend Jeanne.

The game mode

There are various modes available in freeBayonetta 2 which you can choose as per your expectations. If you love to play the hard games then you can choose the hard level and make your game tough. So, you can enjoy various attacks in the game which you can perform with your hands and feet. You can kill all your enemies and protect yourself and city from those Monsters. You have to drop some attacks of Dragons which are so powerful but, you can defeat them when you perform different combos attack. There is a number of characters return in the game which gives you a lot of weapons and you can perform a special attack.

Download Game!



System Requirements

Bayonetta 2 (2014), 11.76GB
ElAmigos release.

Instructions: install, play from desktop icon. Change language in game options. 
Game works through Wii U Emulator (CEmu v1.11.3). 
Powerful PC with +8GB RAM and modern CPU/GPU are recommended to get stable 60 fps.

Flashing/flickering textures are fixed in some places. Audio is also fixed.
Newest currently available CEmu (1.11.4b; 20.02.2018) is not the best for this game, therefore I used 1.11.3 version.

1. Extract files.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. ElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation.
5. Play the game. If you like this game, BUY IT!

Bayonetta 2 Download for free

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Processor: 2.5 GHz
Graphics: 4 GB VRAM
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Disk space: 16 GB HDD
Operating system: Windows

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#1 Files are corrupted / Checksum error / Install VC 2013 x64 - LINK1 and LINK2

#2 Add an exception in antivirus - preferably for the entire folder with the game.

#3 Update your graphics drivers.

#4 Adjust Virtual Memory - VIDEO

#5 Extracting error? Download the part where the error is again - you can use a different browser or downloader. Use Winrar or 7zip.

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  1. NeroPhamtomhive
    14 January 2023 12:22

    Any idea how to fix this game?

  2. NeroPhamtomhive
    12 January 2023 20:14
    Quote: Thor

    How much space does it take up? About 16GB it should take up.

    I've been playing the game for a while now but I've noticed that I'm running out of space. When I checked, it shows that Bayonetta 2 is taking up 50 GB of space. It was 16 GB the last time I checked. If this goes on, my hard drive will run out of space.

    Include Zelda BOTW & Xenoblade Chronicles X.

  3. NeroPhamtomhive
    12 January 2023 16:23

    Bayonetta 2 takes up too much disk space

    1. Thor
      12 January 2023 16:30
      1 356

      How much space does it take up? About 16GB it should take up.

  4. aladrin
    2 April 2022 12:10

    the language is changed to Spanish in the cemu emulator, look in the emulator options in language and put Spanish

  5. InSANE_CaNO
    15 November 2021 02:55

    How can i change the language of the game to spanish?