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FAQ / Guides / Frequently Asked Questions

1. Please read F.A.Q (before) cries for HELP.
2. Disable antivirus / Firewall before unpacking / installing / starting the game.
3. Be specific (Which game, What a mistake, etc. ... before you ask.
4. Try to add a screen with your problem, it's very helpful.
5. Always run the game through the "Launcher" is one.
6. Always run the game as Administrator.

7. Run "Program in compatibility mode" in the "Settings" of the .EXE file.

I downloaded the file DLC and I can not run it - what to do? 

How do I install and update the game? < If you're new, read this.

Antivirus has detected: Virus, Trojan?

How to change the language?

Question regarding "Steam ...", opening "Steam" when I start the game ...?

Problem with files d3dx9_43.dll, MSVCR100.dll,…

Black screan, I can not start the game ...?

Why can not I save the game?

Installer error - VC 2013 x64